The Comprehensive Guide on Instagram Account Deletion

Image Source: Pexels

In the ever-evolving realm of social media, Instagram has established itself as a powerful player. The platform's Instagram story viewer, Instagram downloader, and Instagram video downloader features have made sharing and viewing content an effortless process. However, there are moments when one decides to bid goodbye to their Instagram journey. If you're contemplating deleting your Instagram account, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, irrespective of the device you're using.

Table of Contents

  1. Deactivating Vs. Deleting Your Instagram Account
  2. Instagram Account Deletion on iPhone
  3. Instagram Account Deletion on Android
  4. Instagram Account Deletion on Desktop
  5. Instagram Account Deactivation
  6. Reactivating Your Instagram Account
  7. Understanding Instagram Account Deletion
  8. Business Perspective on Instagram Account Deletion
  9. Personal Reasons for Instagram Account Deletion
  10. Instagram Data Backup Before Deletion
  11. How to Backup Instagram Data
  12. Final Thoughts

Deactivating Vs. Deleting Your Instagram Account

Before diving into the steps on how to delete your Instagram account, it's crucial to understand the difference between deactivating and deleting an account. Deactivation is a temporary measure that makes your account invisible to others, but preserves your data. It's a reversible action, and your account can be reactivated anytime.

On the other hand, deleting an Instagram account is a more drastic measure. It permanently removes your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers from Instagram's servers. This action is irreversible, and if you wish to return to Instagram, you'll have to start from scratch.

Instagram Account Deletion on iPhone

Deleting your Instagram account using an iPhone involves a straightforward process. Begin by logging into the Instagram app. Navigate to your profile and tap on the menu icon located at the top right of your profile. Next, head to 'Settings', and then 'Account'. Scroll down the list of options, and select 'Delete account'. Instagram will suggest deactivating instead of deleting. If you still want to permanently delete your account, go ahead and tap 'Delete account'. Confirm the deletion and your account will be removed.

Remember, once you've initiated the deletion process, you have a 30-day window to change your mind and reactivate your account.

Instagram Account Deletion on Android

Unlike its iOS counterpart, the Instagram app on Android doesn't allow you to delete your account from the app. However, you can still delete your account by accessing Instagram via a web browser. The process mirrors the steps detailed for iPhone users.

Instagram Account Deletion on Desktop

Deleting your Instagram account from a desktop computer involves logging onto and entering the URL: into your browser's address bar. You'll be prompted to select a reason for deleting your Instagram account and enter your password. After confirming your decision, your account will be permanently deleted.

Instagram Account Deactivation

If you're unsure about permanently erasing your Instagram presence, you can temporarily deactivate your account. This process involves logging onto and navigating to your profile. Click 'Edit Profile', scroll down, and select the option 'Temporarily deactivate my account'. You'll then be prompted to select a reason for deactivating your account and re-enter your password. Once these steps are completed, your account will be temporarily deactivated.

Reactivating Your Instagram Account

If you've deleted your Instagram account, you have a 30-day grace period to reactivate it. To do so, simply open the Instagram app or visit the Instagram website, and log in with your username and password. Once these steps are completed, your account will be reactivated.

Please note that after the 30-day grace period, your account will be permanently deleted and reactivation will no longer be an option.

Understanding Instagram Account Deletion

Deleting your Instagram account is a significant decision. If you're a business using Instagram for marketing, there are instances when deleting your Instagram account is a strategic move. However, for personal users, there are numerous benefits such as improved mental health, lesser comparison opportunities, and better time management.

Business Perspective on Instagram Account Deletion

From a business perspective, deleting an Instagram account should be a strategic decision. Here are some reasons why a business might consider this step:

  1. Incorrect Target Audience: If your audience on Instagram has declined, it might be worth focusing on new platforms or channels where your audience is more active.
  2. Declining Engagement: If your Instagram engagement is dwindling, deleting your account and recalibrating your social media strategy could be beneficial.
  3. Brand Reputation Issues: If negative comments and bad reviews are impacting your brand's reputation, deleting your account could mitigate potential damage.
  4. Improved ROI: If Instagram isn't providing a good return on investment compared to other channels, then it may be time to let go and focus your efforts elsewhere.

Personal Reasons for Instagram Account Deletion

On a personal level, the reasons for deleting an Instagram account can be manifold:

  1. Privacy Concerns: If you're worried about your personal information being exposed or misused, deleting your account can provide peace of mind.
  2. Reduced Screen Time: If you're aiming to reduce your screen time or social media usage, deleting your Instagram account can be a decisive step in that direction.
  3. Mental Health: Studies have linked excessive social media use to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. Deleting your account can be a proactive measure to protect your mental health.

Instagram Data Backup Before Deletion

Before you proceed with account deletion, it's essential to back up your Instagram data. Instagram allows you to download a copy of your data, including your photos, comments, profile information, and more. This way, even if you delete your account, you'll still have access to your memories.

How to Backup Instagram Data

To back up your Instagram data, log in to your account, go to 'Settings', and select 'Privacy and Security'. Scroll down to 'Data Download' and click 'Request Download'. You'll be prompted to enter your email address where the download link will be sent. It may take up to 48 hours for you to receive this email.

Final Thoughts

Deleting an Instagram account is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. Whether you're a business owner reassessing your social media strategy or an individual seeking to reduce digital distractions, making an informed decision is crucial. Remember, with platforms like, you can still view Instagram content without an active account. So, assess your needs, weigh your options, and make the choice that best serves your digital wellness.